In undertaking projects, we attach great importance to researching user-requirements and setting out a detailed design brief. Our design solutions are based on an in-depth assessment of the development context and on an analysis of the consequential opportunities and constraints.

We assist clients in taking new build and refurbishment projects from site appraisal and conceptual design, through planning and building control to technical design and construction. Where a full service is required, we follow the stages in the Royal Institute of British Architects’ plan of work, or we provide stand-alone services for particular stages of a project, where appropriate.

Our approach is underwritten by a thorough understanding of the statutory framework on town planning and building control, and our work includes pre-application and public consultations, preparing planning applications, discharging planning conditions, and submitting plans for approval under the building regulations.


In addition to infill development, much of our work is concerned with master-planning the layout of roads and buildings on large residential sites in relation to the existing urban framework and landscape. Our experience includes projects both on previously developed land in urban areas, and on greenfield sites.

We specialise in designing schemes for complex and sensitive sites that require careful consideration of the range of development options, including land in the green belt, sites in conservation areas, and projects in other protected locations.

We prepare vision documents, design codes, presentation material and 3D models to assist our clients in promoting projects through presentations and public exhibitions. We undertake consultations with local planning authorities, Historic England and other statutory consultees and with third parties where required, in advance of planning applications.


The overriding objective in our approach to conservation is to ensure a sustainable future for buildings of architectural and historical significance and, where new development is appropriate, to sensitively integrate it into the historic environment.

The key to the long-term preservation of historic buildings is to restore their original use, or if that is not possible, to secure a suitable new and beneficial use. Our conservation team takes a creative approach to the re-use and conversion of heritage assets to support their restoration.

The basis of the Group’s work in the conservation field is to undertake historical research to identify the origins and significance of buildings and their settings and to establish the methods of construction, materials and techniques that inform repairs and restoration. We take pride in the knowledge that we have contributed to the rescue of a number of significant buildings in terms of re-use and conservation of their fabric.


In addition to providing a full architectural service for restoration and conversion of listed and other historic buildings, an important part of our work is to provide a stand-alone consulting service on conservation and urban design issues.

Research, evaluation and reporting are important elements in our approach to appraising the significance of ‘listed’ buildings and their settings, and assessing the impact of new development proposals on the historic environment, including conservation areas and similar designated locations.

Our work has included making the case for change of use, assessing whether local or statutorily listing of buildings is appropriate, preparing justification statements for interventions in historic buildings, and evaluating the architectural quality of replacement buildings proposed in conservation areas.

Architecture | Urban Design | Conservation